5 Simple Social Media Practices for Business
Social media comes naturally to some, while can be intimidating terrain for others. Small business owners may be highly skilled at the services they provide and the products they create, yet the idea of promoting themselves online and trying to engage followers can be as fear-inducing as public speaking for those who aren’t practised in the art. As a business owner, you may know that having a social media presence is a no-brainer for expanding brand awareness and generating business, and you may feel the pressure to get your social media strategy just right. But just like public [...]
Want more time? 5 big tasks you can hand off to your virtual executive assistant
One of the biggest challenges that all business owners eventually face, particularly as their company grows, is the amount of tasks that start piling up. They become stretched too thin trying to keep up with the essential tasks it takes to run their business, while trying to also focus on productivity and growth. Stress builds, mistakes start to happen leading to setbacks, missed opportunities, unhappy clients and burnout.