Secure Your Passwords
It’s happened to all of us. One minute, we are having the time of our lives, enjoying some retail therapy when BAM! You notice a weird charge on your credit card. I was walking out the door of our home when I got an email from our credit card supplier letting me know that a transaction had just taken place. At first, I thought perhaps it was my husband, but when I didn’t recognize the shop - I gave him a call at work. Me: Hey did you just spend $650 at Canada’s Wonderland? And what the fuck IS [...]
Tech Review:
“I just looked at my calendar for next week - it’s slammed with meetings, and there is literally NO TIME FOR WORK.” Have you ever felt like that? We have. Managing calendars is our jam and we even need to reign it in sometimes. Do you have multiple calendars? Do you find yourself saying to people “Can you send my meeting invite to this email address? It has my calendar on it.” Enter, the ultimate calendar assistant that promises saving up to 40% of your workweek. That may be a bit ambitious… like, 40% is a lot. Anywhoo. [...]
5 Top (and free) Project Management Tools We Use With Clients
In the last 10 years or so, the rise of virtual teams brought the demand for cloud-based project management applications to the masses – and thankfully so, as they’ve become necessary tools in today’s digital world.
Want more time? 5 big tasks you can hand off to your virtual executive assistant
One of the biggest challenges that all business owners eventually face, particularly as their company grows, is the amount of tasks that start piling up. They become stretched too thin trying to keep up with the essential tasks it takes to run their business, while trying to also focus on productivity and growth. Stress builds, mistakes start to happen leading to setbacks, missed opportunities, unhappy clients and burnout.